Sunflower Project

Reuth offers many quality of life therapies which stimulate both rehabilitation progression and patients’ spirits. The Therapeutic Garden is part of occupational therapy, allowing patients to ‘get their hands dirty’ and enjoy the smells and stimulation of plants, flowers, soil and sun.

On the Reuth Medical Centre’s roof, the therapeutic garden provides facility for patients to be able to plant and then monitor the growth of various flowers, cook with herbs which they grew themselves, and work with specially adapted tools with trained therapists. Garden therapy helps stimulate eye contact, encourage speech, muscle coordination, improve memory and concentration and much more. For patients who are not mobile, Reuth introduced the “Garden on Wheels” bringing gardening into the departments. Through this approach all of the patients are now able to enjoy the benefits of this therapy.

As British Friends of Reuth, we are proud to raise awareness and funds for this very important programme in RMC with our Sunflower Competition within the Jewish Primary Schools across UK.

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