Feb 2017 - Comedy and Entertainment
On Tuesday 14th February 2017, the British Friends of Reuth hosted a night of comedy and entertainment at the ‘Clerkenwell and Social’ bar in Farringdon.
We were delighted to have a variety of performers on the night. These included David Lewis, the Compere, followed by Nicole Harris- winner of JW3 Jewish comedian of the year 2016 award, Victoria Howden- comedian, singer and improviser extraordinaire, Susie Glass – singer and musician, with the headline act being Candy Gigi Markham – Edinburgh award winning comedian.
Over 50 attendees helped the charity raise almost £1,000, which will go towards the patients’ Quality of Life Therapies at the Reuth Rehabilitation hospital in Tel Aviv. We were also very grateful for the raffle prizes that we received from: Gideon Conn, Beauty Bay,
Jennifer Martin, Clerkenwell and Social, and Alexandra Miro.
Yehuda Aaronson, Director of Overseas Development, Reuth said: “It was a fantastic night, attended by a group of young professional people who were able to gain a deeper understand of the work that Reuth provides and also have a fun night out”